Online Learning Life Hack: Bringing the Coffeehouse to Your Home

May 04, 2018

Amy Vaughan-Roland, Ed.D.

Ed.D. in Leadership

If you’ve ever taken a class online, you know the importance of carving out a dedicated space to study. 

Like many, I find I’m most productive in a place where the Wi-Fi and the coffee are strong. I love hunkering in a coffee shop to work and study, but with two kids in the house and the nearest coffee shop 30 minutes from our rural home, it simply isn’t an option most weeks. But, in the process of , I sometimes just need a quiet place to get it all together. Creating a coffee shop space at home gives me a place to do just that. 

For online learners looking to lend something special to those late nights cramming for an exam, or my fellow  who are dog-tired and just trying to power through that last discussion post, here’s my advice to turn your study space into your personal coffee shop.

1. Start with some coffee shop music.

Amazon Music has a Coffee House Music station that sets the mood and conveniently drowns out the sound of the “My Little Pony” theme song blaring in the other room. If you want a more authentic coffee house sound, try the website . The website has a coffee house sound library that plays ambient music for those missing the sound of coffee grinders and muffled voices. It even has an option to bring the ambiance of a Paris bistro into your home.

2. Clear up the clutter.

Set up a space where there aren’t life distractions like toys, breakfast dishes or junk mail. For me, it’s on a corner hutch in the dining room, reserved only for my work. Creating a separate space ensures that the time there is special and different from the time I spend in my office.

3. Add personal touches.

I’ve added a sweet little shamrock in my grandmother’s glassware, a vintage light and even spruced up the seating with a cool high-top stool I scooped up off the side of the road. With yard sale season in full swing, it’s a great time to scoop a few quirky items with character to make this space your own.

4. Get coffee…ALL the coffee.

As a teacher, I get coffee gift cards for all the holidays. It’s like they know that my blood type is medium roast Arabica. Save those gift cards to treat yourself. Pick up ground coffee from your favorite chain or local coffee shops. When I’m serving as my own barista, I like to have coffee choices to best suit my mood and caffeine needs for the day.

Fun mugs are a great addition to your experience as well. I have a set of “story mugs” – those that remind me of people and places – that encourage me. They are gifts from my late grandparents, souvenirs from trips and some even have motivational quotes engraved on them. Of course, if you have to drink straight out of the pot sometimes to power on through, there is no judgment here!

As a self-proclaimed barista, there are also a couple of coffee shop secrets I’d be remiss not to pass along. Take your favorite coffee creamer and microwave it for about 30 seconds in a jar. Put the lid on and give it a good shake and you’ve got a nice foam for your favorite drink. Or, if a cold brew is more your thing, grab a big jar and add four cups of water and 1 ⅓ cups of coffee grounds. Leave it on the counter for eight hours, then strain. You’ll have four cups of glorious cold brew concentrate to pop in the fridge for any time you need it.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵ.
Amy Vaughan-Roland, Ed.D.
Amy Vaughan-Roland, Ed.D., Ed.D. in Leadership

Amy has a strong passion for educating all learners and has over 12 years of experience in special education. She works on her family's dairy farm and is currently a doctoral candidate.

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